5 Android Apps That Are Already Redesigned For Android 5.0 Lollipop | Android | Geek.com

Its super-cool. The action bar color is carried through to the status bar and the hero aplikasi android terbaik color for the app switcher card. This app includes options for a persistent notification with setting toggles and battery information, but that seems less useful with Lollipop. The widgets and in-app stats are probably the most useful part. The beta version of Battery Widget Reborn is free and the paid edition is $1.99. Today Calendar Today Calendar started as a tweaked version of the stock AOSP Android calendar app, but it has evolved far beyond those humble beginnings. In advance of Android Lollipop, Today Calendar has been completely redesigned to display the very best of material design. It has all the basic stuff like the colored status bar, navigation slide-out, and plenty of animations. So cross those off your list. Whats particularly cool is the integration of the floating action button, which feels more like part of the design than an afterthought as in some apps. It moves around to different places depending on the view you have chosen, and makes the most important functions of each screen more accessible.
Source: http://www.geek.com/android/5-android-apps-that-are-already-redesigned-for-android-5-0-lollipop-1608408/

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